January 28, 2014

Financial Management & Awareness: Life Cycle of A Man

CAREER YEARS (20-30 yrs old) - This is the time where you are working already, generating income. This should be the right time for you to save as much as you can and the best time to start preparing for the future. But most don't and mismanage your money.

FAMILY YEARS (31-50yrs old) - This is the time that you will get married, buy your own house and lot, have your own family and send your kids to school, then colleges. By this time, you have limited time and slim chances to save due to responsibilities and expenses. But life will not end here...

and here comes PHYSICAL DETERIORATION YEARS (50-60 yrs old) - This is the time when your body slowly deteriorating and get sick. You may have no jobs at this age. And what's the problem here? Our capability to earn income slowly diminishing but medical expenses are increasing..

Last stage is RETIREMENT YEARS (60 yrs old up) - This will depend on what you have done from 20-60 yrs old. If you have prepared this, you may retire comfortably and playing with your grandkids. But if not, you may find yourself still working not because you want it and enjoy it, but because you need to...

People don't plan to fail. They fail to plan.

Save and invest as early as you can and as much as you can.

It's not about how much you earn. It's about how much you keep.

PS I have read this article over the internet and I just thought of sharing this. Let's be financially healthy.

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