December 27, 2014

This Is My Year 2014

YEAR 2014 - Year of the Green Wooden Horse.

According to the Chinese horoscope, horse provides a good and quick transportation for people before automobiles. Horse can give people a ride to their destination. Thus making horse not only a symbol of traveling, but a sign of speedy success. It is also the strongest animal of all the 12 zodiac, a sign of warfare which implies hot temper and less patient.

Nevertheless, if you're a believer of those or not whatever happens to us is usually the result of the decisions and choices we make. Well, in my case I seem to be associated with the luck and bad luck of this year.

I had a decent job with good people around me by the start of this year. But then, I was afraid I'd be comfortable with the setup thinking I'd be doing the stuff I am doing now for maybe a lifetime? Oh my goodness.

To cut the very long story short, here's a summary of my 2014:


-  I resigned from my job and hop from one employer to the other. And yeah, I got FOUR goddamn employers in one year!

-  I had a major breakup of the year. A 8-year long relationship just got messed up in a matter of hours? Unfortunate.

- Moved to an apartment to fetch my sick father and save myself from misery.

- Empty all my savings account and investments and worse lapse my insurance.

- Tied up to debts! Whoa.

And then here comes, THE GOOD LUCK!

- Got the best job I've ever dreamed of. Well, it's the fourth employer of the year though. :-)

- Meet the sweetest and most wonderful man of my life. Just when one window closes another door opens. So blessed!

- Good thing I tend to bind my family after moving out.

- Place a reservation for a house and lot. I hope it goes well.

- Got three licenses within the year! Financial Advisor's license was the best of them!

- Planning to get married?? WAAAH!

That's my speedy 2014! At the end of the tunnel, there is light.
Excited and nervous for the year 2015.
Wish I can overcome all the bumpy roads of the coming year.

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