November 22, 2013

Typhoon Yolanda, Manmade?

After typhoon Yolanda (international name Haiyan) hits my beloved Philippines, there has been this popular rumor or say controversy that this strongest typhoon that ever recorded in human history is man made. Would you rather believe it? Hmn. I am not expert in anything though but if you haven't seen the video/s of this Mr. Dutchsinse, just visit his site in youtube: Dutchsinse. He explains there, how this microwave pulse, this and that, whatsoever.

However, according to Director Doctor Mahar Lagmay, UP scientist and professor, this i s not true. That this Mr. Dutchsinse does not have enough evidence to prove his hypothesis. 

“I see no relation as of the moment… There’s no very solid demonstration of its (microwave pulse) relation with how it generates cyclones, how this makes the water evaporate and accumulate in a particular area. It’s simply not well-documented,” he said.

“You don’t prove something through your golden voice or the way you speak it out… What he was doing is that he was trying to name-drop Stanford University to boost his argument,” he added. “Let’s just put it this way. In science, you have to demonstrate it. It must be repeatable and it must be testable. He was not able to do that and, therefore, it’s not proven.”

To read about the full story, here's the links from Philstar and ABS-CBN NEWS.

The viral video seems legit, very educational. But I am not that convinced though, or maybe I just find it hard to believe. I don't know, well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion no matter how twisted. I just dislike the thought that other people are trying to get smart out of a natural disaster. This is too tragical to become a weapon.

Anyway, you have yours to believe too.

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